Les conditions de détention de Nicolas : «enfermé avec deux transsexuels ayant un rapport anal»

Elle sont précisées par Me Pierre-Philippe Boutron-Marmion, cité par Le Figaro du jour :

« Que serait-il advenu de lui si des députés n’étaient pas venus le visiter en prison (occasionnant le changement de ses conditions de détention déplorables, NDLR), si la population ne s’était pas indignée, si des “veilleurs” ne s’étaient pas mobilisés ? Nicolas Bernard-Buss, pour avoir usé de sa liberté d’expression, a été un numéro d’écrou : 404247, voilà la réalité du dossier, un traitement inadmissible, enfermé dans une cellule de cinq personnes avec deux transsexuels ayant un rapport anal, des plateaux-repas renversés et jetés comme à des chiens. »

À noter que le site homosexuel Yagg juge l’anecdote “cocasse”…

Selon Le Figaro, les trois avocats de Nicolas ont déjà fait savoir qu’ils demanderaient réparation pour les vingt jours de détention de leur client et « le traitement qui lui a été infligé ». Ils vont étudier « les mille hypothèses juridiques », promet l’un deux.

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  • Denis Merlin , 12 juillet 2013 @ 16 h 36 min

    L’anecdote m’a été donnée pour authentique. Marie-Antoinette était d’une grande délicatesse. Elle était un jour portraiturée par madame Vigée-Lebrun lors enceinte. Celle-là ayant laissé tomber ses pinceaux. La reine se précipita pour les lui ramasser. “Vous êtes trop enceinte…” lui a-t-elle dit.

    Cette femme si distinguée eut un sort tragique comme il s’en trouve peu dans l’histoire humaine. Sort d’autant plus douloureux qu’il est plus difficile de supporter la misère lorsque l’on a vécu dans le luxe.

    Louis XVI était un génie. Lire l’exposé des motifs de l’édit de Versailles de novembre 1787 sur le mariage civil qu’il institua pour les non-catholiques. C’est très intelligent et très charitable.

  • christiane , 12 juillet 2013 @ 17 h 04 min

    Il parait que le jeune Dauphin aurait été enlevé de la prison du temple où il était
    enfermé et élevé en Allemagne. C’est de sa descendance que sera issu le Roi de
    France que Dieu réserve à notre Pays.
    D’autre part, c’est la haute bourgeoisie qui déclencha la révolution car le roi voulait faire des réformes nécessaires en leur faisant payer l’impôt. Cette ” gauche caviar ” de
    l’époque entendait bien faire payer l’impôt au tiers-état mais certainement pas à eux.
    Rien de nouveau sous le soleil n’est-ce-pas ? Cette bourgeoisie financière s’employa
    à soulever les bas-fonds de Paris et ce sont les gueux, les mégères, les voyous des ponts de Paris, le bas-peuple que Victor Hugo met en vedette dans ” Notre Dame de Paris” qui fit la révolution. Le peuple de la France “profonde” fut pourchassé, arrêté, envoyé à la guillotine. Parmi les nobles, Beaucoup quittèrent la France et se réfugièrent à l’ étranger. Il y eut plus de commerçants, d’artisans et de
    fermiers assassinés par les révolutionnaires que de nobles.
    Marat, abominable paranoïaque, se disait l’ami du peuple et professait que la régénération de la France ne pouvait se faire qu’au prix de 600 000 têtes pour commencer. Quant à Babeuf, il voulait supprimer 2 / 3 de la population; est-ce différent de nos jours ? Pour l’instant, on se contente des arrestations illégales, de l’ emprisonnement de Nicolas, Esteban et Samuel, mais, jusqu’à quand ? l’immigration
    débridée et sauvage qui pousse nos jeunes hors de France, n’est-elle pas, de façon plus subtile, équivalente au génocide mis en place par les révolutionnaires ?
    Peillon n’a-t-il pas osé écrire que la révolution n’était pas terminée? Je ne sais pas à quoi il faut s’attendre dans les années à venir, mais j’ai comme l’impression que nous aurons un rude combat à livrer si nous voulons que la France reste la France, et, quoi qu’on dise, Fille aînée de l’ Eglise.

  • Louis A. F. G. von Wetzler , 13 juillet 2013 @ 6 h 15 min


    American Movement!

    By Deacon Keith Fournier
    Catholic Online (www.catholic.org)

    Marriage is the preeminent and the most fundamental of all human social institutions. Civil institutions do not create marriage nor can they manufacture a right to marry for those who are incapable of marriage.

    Nicolas was imprisoned for protesting against a State which decreed that asserting the truth about marriage as between one man and one woman – and making the claim that children have a right to a mother and father – constitute a crime. Such truth assertions are now called rebellion against the State in France. Nicolas is a part of a growing movement in support of marriage, fatherhood and motherhood in France – a movement which must spread to our own shores.

    French defenders of marriage and family

    French defenders of marriage and family
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    PARIS, France (Catholic Online) – On July 2, 2013, I wrote on the arrest of Nicolas Bernard-Busse, the first political prisoner in the Defense of Marriage Movement in France. I called attention to the fact that there are such political prisoners in the movement to defend marriage and the family and society founded upon them in France for many reasons. Yes, to call our readers to stand in solidarity with our friends in France. But also to raise the specter of what lies ahead in the United States of America.

    Nicolas Bernard-Busse is a 23-year old French University student who was wrongfully arrested following a demonstration outside the studios of a TV station where President François Hollande appeared. Nicolas and his friends went to the Champs-Élysées in central Paris. They wore T-shirts with the slogan – Manif pour tous. This logo of a father and mother with two children is becoming the symbol of a new defense of marriage movement in France. Wearing this image is also considered a revolutionary act by the State.

    Nicolas was imprisoned for protesting against a State which decreed that asserting the truth about marriage as between one man and one woman – and making the claim that children have a right to a mother and father – constitute a crime. Such truth assertions are now called rebellion against the State in France. Nicolas is a part of a growing movement in support of marriage, fatherhood and motherhood in France – a movement which must spread to our own shores.

    We must wake up to what is coming in the United States. Those who support Marriage as a lifelong union between one man and one woman will soon have their political prisoners in the United States of America. Emboldened by the horrid decision of the United States Supreme Court in the Windsor case, activist groups committed to restructuring the social order have begun a multi-faceted strategy to enforce their Cultural Revolution.

    Though some noted that the Windsor opinion did not manufacture a federal constitutional right to same sex marriage, the effect of the opinion shifted the landscape legally. The dissenters on the Supreme Court only questioned the power and role of the Court. They used a strict constructionist approach to jurisprudence which failed to provide any real grounds for attacking this poorly written majority opinion.

    Sadly, this opinion may very well become the Roe v Wade of marriage, as some opined after it was issued.

    There was no consideration in any of the opinions of the existence of a Natural Moral Law which establishes and defines the nature of marriage – which civil authority must recognize and respect to be legitimate. The result was not unlike past judicial opinions in its assertion that the positive or civil law is simply malleable and can be changed with the shifting sands of societal whimsy.

    Marriage as existing solely between one man and one woman is not an idea manufactured by the Christian Church. It precedes Christianity. Though affirmed, fulfilled, and elevated by Christian teaching, the truth that marriage can exist only between one man and one woman is not based on religion or revelation alone, but on the Natural Moral Law, written on the human heart and discernible through the exercise of reason.

    This claim of the existence of a Natural Moral Law is the ground upon which every great civilization has been built. It is the source of every authentic human and civil rights movement. This Natural Moral Law gives us the norms we need to build truly human and humane societies and to govern ourselves. It should inform our positive law or we become lawless and devolve into anarchy.

    Marriage is the preeminent and the most fundamental of all human social institutions. Civil institutions do not create marriage nor can they manufacture a right to marry for those who are incapable of marriage. In the words of the first book of the Bible, we read: “it is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) Society begins with marriage and the family.

    The institutions of civil government should defend marriage – not undermine it or replace it with a profane counterfeit which steals the word while it destroys the institution. Government has long regulated marriage for the true common good. Examples such as the age of consent demonstrate such a proper regulation to ensure the free and voluntary basis of the marriage bond. Redefining the institution of marriage is improper and outside the authority of the State.

    The US Supreme Court in Windsor opened the door to a Cultural Revolution. The opinion left no room for any limitation on what can constitute such a redefined notion of marriage. Conferring a moral and legal equivalency to same-sex couples by legislative or judicial fiat also sends the message that children do not need a mother and a father. It undermines their fundamental rights and threatens their security, stability, and future.

    We need to watch what is happening in France. The Windsor decision and the strategy it unleashed among the cultural revolutionaries now puts us in an inevitable conflict with the growing power of the State. Experience and history have shown that if the civil government redefines marriage to grant a legal equivalency to same-sex couples, that same government will soon enforce such an action with the police power of the State and compel the Church to participate or face consequences.

    We are on the path of an inevitable collision between the Federal government and religious freedom and conscience rights.

    In the propaganda of the homosexual equivalency movement, the Press in France calls these peaceful people from every walk of life ‘anti-equal marriage demonstrators’. Orwellian newspeak knows no national boundaries. The goal of the homosexual equivalency movement is to entirely restructure civil society, by beginning with its frist cell, the family. The phrase ‘marriage equality’ is verbal engineering intended to clear the path to social and legal engineering.

    The brave defenders of marriage and children in France regularly face tear gas and clubs from the riot police representing the French Socialist regime. They are courageous – and unwilling to back down. They frequently sing La Marseillaise, the French National Anthem, and carry handmade signs supporting marriage as between one man and one woman – which dare to suggest that children have a right to a mother and a father.

    Though the Marriage defenders in France represent every segment of French society, and reflect a wide range of ages, ethnic identities and political persuasions, they are collectively labeled as conservatives and right wing in the press. They are disparaged as bigots, though they are multi-racial and multi-ethnic in their make-up.

    There is growing action being taken by the Federal government against our rights to free expression, association and political participation in the United States. This is reflected in the censoring of speech which questions the propriety of the current cultural slide into the abyss of relativism. Efforts to prevent our public defense of the objective truth about marriage and the family are multiplying.

    France is a sign of what is to come in the United States of America.

    Twenty three year old Nicolas is a hero to the French supporters of marriage. His lawyer, Henri de Beauregard, called the Courts order of arrest – ‘grotesque’. He argued that it was a wrongful arrest intended to intimidate Nicolas and this movement. The supporters of Nicolas developed a facebook page calling him a political prisoner. He was a political prisoner!

    They also acted! They developed an online petition which demanded his release. It worked! On Tuesday, July 9, 2013, the supporters of La Manif Pour Tous announced in the center of Paris that Nicolas Bernard-Buss had been released. In their words “The release followed a national and international outcry, and tens of thousands of people signed a petition for his release. ”

    Nicolas issued a statement thanking all “who showed their support by attending protests, sending cards or sharing the news via internet and social media.” Here is a rough translation of the Frenchstatement of this heroic young man:

    “I wish from my heart to thank everyone who has invested in this outpouring of support that really touched me. I have a special appreciation for my parents who have shown great dignity in this difficult situation. I give a big thank you to my lawyers and so many diverse people as Chantal Delsol and Christophe Girard. I resume my views where I had left them before the event and intend to return to my life as a student”.

    The leaders announced that the struggle is far from over. Twelve more young people have been arrested simply for wearing the La Manif Pour Tous (LMPT) logo. They have announced another major rally in Paris on Sunday, July 14, 2013. Are we ready to learn from these defenders of marriage and children?

  • wattie91 , 13 juillet 2013 @ 14 h 26 min

    ah bein la droite va peut être se motiver d’avantage à ce que les prisonniers vivent dans de meilleurs conditions peut être même revoir l’intérêt de l’emprisonnement total généralisé et prendre exemple sur ce qui se fait au canada

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